1. Purpose of the Policy
Upper Hunter Youth Services Inc. (UHYS) is committed to providing equitable access to the service’s target group. UHYS will not discriminate on the grounds of gender, ethnic background, race, religion, sexuality, disability, age, marital or domestic status.
2. Application
This policy applies to all Management Committee members, staff, and contractors of Upper Hunter Youth Services.
3. Definitions
Term | Definition |
Access | As defined for social justice implies fair and equitable access to services in areas essential to achieving and maintaining social, cultural, and economic well-being |
Equity | As defined for social justice implies distribution of economic, social, and political resources in ways that are not restricted by age, gender, race, ethnicity, ability, sexual orientation or income. |
4. Procedure
To ensure that UHYS provide an equitable service to eligible members of our target group, we will always:
- Ensure appropriate promotion of services.
- Ensure physical accessibility of locations and premises.
- Ensure suitable operational hours.
- Encourage representation on the UHYS Management Committee and other decision-making bodies to reflect the diversity of the community.
- Provide services that are sensitive to cultural values.
- Provide information in a manner that is understood and readily comprehended
- Where fees are charged, ensure they are affordable.
- Ensure that the UHYS Staff and the Management Committee are aware of the demographic mix of its community.
- Actively assist UHYS clients to exercise their rights in terms of access and equity.
5. Related Documents and Policies
- Professional Ethics and Conduct Policy
- Client Eligibility and Intake Policy
- Upper Hunter Youth Service Code of Conduct
- Case Management Policy
- Excursion Policy
- Working with Young People- Child Protection Policy
- UHYS Youth Centre and Program Policy
6. Related Legislation
- Disability Discrimination Act, 1992
- Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act,1986
- Equal Opportunity Act
- Sex Discrimination Act
- Racial Discrimination Act
- Age Discrimination Act, 2004
- Anti-Discrimination Act
- Equal Opportunities for Women in the Workplace Act, 1999
7. Responsible Officer/Policy Owner
The Manager of UHYS and the Management Committee are responsible for the implementation and review of this policy.